The 'hood

                               Kinda scary, huh?  Sometimes living in a big city can be like that                               

    We've always, always taken daily walks. In the beginning it was a friendship with long walks along hilly paths and steep streets, having long, meaningful conversations. Then it turned to love and marriage and many moves.....we've walked on the beach, different ones, in small towns and parks,  and if we had to, we got in the truck and drove to get to some place to walk.

   When we moved here we thought walking the streets of the neighborhood would be nice. What we didn't know about were all the many, many barking dogs. Every house, every yard....lots and lots of 'em!
We love animals of all kinds and felt bad for these guys. They were just there day and night, without walks, without company...... seems to make them pretty stressed.

  This big boy in the photo above really gave us a fright the first time we went by his place, which is right on a busy street, lots of fast traffic on one side, him close on the other. He is able to jump up and fling himself against the high, top of the fence....after a couple of times we figured out it was a fun game for him and pretty good excerise! But not so much fun when he surprises you!

   Now we drive over to a big, beautiful park and enjoy the trees and the quiet. There are ballgames going on in different parts, bike riders and skaters and other folks enjoying all the same things.

    This is all mostly to say that I hope you are taking walks wherever you can and enjoying space wherever you are and remembering to always have your camera with you....
                        you never know what you might encounter along the way!

    If you would love to see some beautiful animals being happy and healthly, and hanging out in such
awesome places!  Please pay a visit to Marcie at her Daily'll be very glad you did...
                                           trust me, this is some inspiring photography.

1 comment:

  1. Walking..and looking..and seeing..and actually stopping to capture and record it - is my daily passion!!
    Thanks Susan - for your sweet vote of confidence and support!!!


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