Santa sent me a working guy for Christmas

Heading out to take photos for the paper.  It was a cold day and a white one, we were happy to get back to a warm cottage!  Hope your day was merry & bright, too!


  1. I want a working guy for Christmas!! :)
    My 4 yr old looked out the window this morning and wanted to know why it wasn't snowing. She'd be jealous of your white Christmas. Hope you had a lovely day!

  2. Lucky you for that white Christmas AND a sunny day. Here it was rainy and cold. We had a very quiet day, watched movies and just hung out. A very relaxing day.

  3. It looks like you had luck with weather, location, sun and guy! Glad you had a good day, Susan!

  4. And your working guy looks like a happy camper, Susan. What more could you ask for)!

  5. Looks like a wonderfully bright & sunny day .. you can blow some our way!!!
    A cottage is a lovely thing to come home to ♥

  6. Sounds like a great time. Glad you had a good Christmas and wishing you much happiness for the coming year xxxx

  7. We are having another snowstorm today...just love the snow!!!
    Sending a big hug your way my sweet friend.

  8. Looks like Santa sent you a CUTE working guy! Here's to a new year of enjoying our virtual friendship!

  9. Your working guy looks cute and has a very sweet smile!
    You are lucky!
    Nice photo and great light!


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