Cat's magical medicine bag

Catherine Beerda-Basso


  1. OMG. What a lucky recipient of your incredible talent, Susan!

  2. That my dear is one of THE MOST BEAUTIFUL bag I've ever ever laid my eyes on. Period.

  3. Gorgeous work. You can tell it was a labor of your beautiful, loving heart.

  4. I'm on holiday, Susan, but I have to, MUST say this is stunning! Really beautiful!!!

  5. That is really beautiful and does look pretty magical on her

  6. Fantastic bag! I love the colour tone and the beads.
    Very interesting lady seems to be Mrs Cat.

  7. oh yeah!!!!! That lady...that sweet medicine woman...I love her so. This bag is beyond! It's wild and beautiful and feels so full of deep intention. Thank you for sharing

  8. Fabulous, Susan, absolutely fabulous. Your work is unique and very beautiful - and so, by the way, is the woman you made it for.

  9. Cat brings out the beauty in the bag and the bag brings out the beauty in Cat. And make the most exquisite leather bags :-)

  10. It is such an honour to have this precious goodness in my world....deep bow of gratitude and thanks
    you make serious magic Susan! ♥♥♥

    love and light


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