So very thankful for all the warriors and all the queens.


  1. Yes, it is thought provoking, Susan. We all should have both a warrior and a queen in our souls to put them in action when their times come.

    I was browsing a bit through your blog today, looking at the photos of the bags that you created and I wanted to tell you how much I like their uniqueness. Some of them are just a bit similar in material, colours or pattern but each and everyone shows their individuality. Great work.

  2. Potent words, those:)
    Love:) All of it:) Thank you.
    Big joy to you,

  3. And then there are the warrior queens...

  4. Oh sweet tenderlings. I love that graceful hand of a bud.
    And what Carola said;)
    Big hugs, warrior queen:)


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