That's the sun! shining on my face!

                                                       Thanks again, David, for our sign ... it's still perfect!


  1. Wonderful creations under the sun!
    And you shining!
    Wonderful photos.

  2. Makes me feel good just looking at them - and the sunshine!

  3. I love your display, Susan...and that Mona Lisa smile!

  4. so lovely to see the sun shining down on you! Love the set up for your shop

  5. Ah ~ your beauty reflects off of you and tight into your wild and beautiful leather and denim bags! This is the PERFECT set up ~ you truly maximize the space of that ladder.

  6. Looking great! You, the sun and all your gorgeous work!! xoxo

  7. I love this photo of you! Your smile, the sun on your face - just so lovely!
    Your display and especially your bags are wonderful. It sets the right tone, and if you had this at a fair or market I wonder who wouldn't want to stop and check your things our.


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