a pretty pair

I've been sitting with these lovely lilac and pure white beads and just letting them do their thing, trying to think and not think about the sadness in El Paso and then more sadness hearing about the children coming home from the first day of school to find their parents gone. I've named this pair Heartbreak but I think they will bring joy to the lobes they swing and dangle from 💜


  1. This is such a beautiful pair of earrings - but I do understand the name. So much that is happening in our country is heart breaking - and I don't feel that there is any end to it anytime soon. An heart break on its own.

    1. Thank you for coming by and leaving your thoughts, we do share this heart break.

  2. I have been away much of the last few weeks, and just catching up and see that you've been active here! So much to say about the recent events of xenophobia that have torn lives apart and left loved ones heartbroken as you say here. I have never wanted to jump into politics, but I'm starting to think that the only way to stop the cancer that is growing within our borders is to get involved. I absolutely love the new movement that Stacy Abrams has started called 'Fair Fight.' A positive way to ensure that every voice is heard.

    1. I was totally immersed in her conversation with Rachel Maddow, last evening or the one before, love her smarts and wonder how things would be different if she had decided to run but she'll do amazing things wherever she puts her energy. And yes, we do need to put ours out there, too, the world needs all the help it can get.

  3. What beautiful art! They will make someone happy for sure - even in all these moments of sadness. Sounds like I missed a great exchange with Stacy Abrams and Rachel Maddow. Probably while we were in Buenos Aires. I love Rachel's show. She digs in like no one else. And we all know there's so much to dig into! Like others I feel I need to do something, but just not sure what. All I know I can do is try to be a good person and also VOTE. But there has to be more...

    1. I think one of the best things to do is keep staying aware of all that's going on, yes, it's so much and so bizarre but people like Rachel help put it out there. But when we are trying to do that and need a little lighter program we tune in to Trevor Noah, like his style!


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