sharing more thoughts

Some memories you just keep for a very long time, one of my favorites is being in the back yard of our home in College Park, Georgia. Laughing and playing, running and swinging high I remember thinking that being seven years old was the very best and most perfect thing in the whole world.
Also, not being aware of how short a time that would last was another wonderful thing.

Another vivid memory was when I was a few years older, but evidently very much still a baby, because for some reason the thought came to me that the only people who were allowed to have guns were the policemen, the good guys. I'm not sure why I was thinking about that at all but when I realized that the bad guys couldn't have guns it made me feel glad and the worry went away 
... but sadly not for long.

The past few days I've been thinking about all that's been lost to us, the feeling of being safe, of our children and grandkids having the chance to grow up strong and healthy, to make memories.
I wonder if we'll be able to trust again, if the people and the ones "in charge" can possibly work together to make it better or how bad will it have to get. 

Usually when I dwell on these concerns I do it quietly and privately but that doesn't feel right anymore, the stakes are too high to not voice how I feel. In all the reading that I do I came across these words, if you are staying silent you are agreeing, or something like that and I decided that even if it cost me friendships or relationships I don't want to be mistaken for a person who is okay with all that is going on, in the world or with the people making horrible decisions or the ones doing nothing.

deep breath ~


  1. I’m with you. The stakes are too high. Xoxo

  2. First of all I can't stop looking at that teal wheelbarrow!! What you wrote at the end of your posting is exactly how I felt when I did my little facebook blast not long ago on the "send her back" bullshit...I too felt if I stayed silent then I was OK with the world. Deep breaths for sure...lots of them. I've walked away from friendships that I've had forever because I just can't believe I didn't really know the person and what was in their heart. That just breaks my own heart. So yes, deep breaths. xo

    1. certainly a time of making choices and changes, all so important.

      I know, such a beautiful teal! All of those photos were taken at the cottage we were in when the fires and floods happened ... miss it still.

  3. I agree with you with all my heart. It is important that we are not silent - by being silent and doing nothing we are actually enablers. However - I would like to do more, really do something, and I'm at a complete loss what that could be. So I live my life trying to be kind and considerate toward others as a counterpoint to the indecency and immorality that has captured our country.

    1. This is what I try to do, too, and it helps, I truly believe.

  4. such lovely memories Susan. I can remember those days of running in the rain (I truly love the rain), skipping backwards or swinging as high as I could go on the tree swing my dad built for us. Those endless days of summer before going back to school were bliss, and yes, quite carefree.

    In my mind's eye, I still feel like that little girl when I wake up in the morning. but when I glimpse at myself in the mirror I realize that I am the generation, that today, must pull up my socks and figure out what is to be done about our democracy if it is to be saved. Somehow, I feel like this current administration has taken the innocence away from our young country, from a feeling that we are invincible and that our ideals could weather anything. It is that moment when you first realize that life isn't always fair, and you feel that carefree feeling slip away.

    I have always been one to try to listen more than I speak. And believe that my hard work should speak for itself. But I am old enough to know that it really doesn't work that way and that the self-promoters are the ones getting the attention. Not that I want the attention as I'm more than happy to let then blather away. The problem is that they are blathering away unchecked by facts, truth, the law and common decency. I know I need to somehow find my voice to speak up, but want to do so in a way that is actually helpful, and one that can make a difference. I don't yet know what that means, but I am thinking hard about this one.

    1. I have always truly loved the rain, too, and swinging high! and I've never wanted the spotlight turned on me but I've never had a lot of trouble calling people on their bullshit, either ... I, too, need to find a way to make that voice count for something and I'll look forward to hearing your ideas.


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