Random blessings


I do it all the time and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out you do, too. I've always said a morning prayer for the day, for us and our loved ones and an end of day prayer giving thanks.

But all through the day, at any time, I'll send out a blessing to someone I don't know ... it could be a young mother struggling with her tired children, I'll say "please let her get home safely and put those babies down for a nap" or an elderly man sitting alone on a bench, I'll just shoot love and caring thoughts right at him and hope that he is waiting for someone special to join him. Sometimes when we are stopped in traffic and I look over at a fellow driver I'll hope in a big way that they 
reach their destination with no problems.

It's just little things that make me remember, when we're feeling like we are out on that wire by ourselves, that we really are not.


  1. I do a little of that, but not on your level! So thanks for sharing that...I'll add that to my daily "try to be a good person" routine! Great to get caught up here to see what you've been doing! xo

    1. I think we are all trying to do any little thing we can that will help us survive these crazy times, it helps me to just come here and write a note or two and it gets better when friends come by, too!

  2. You are a blessing! I do spend quiet time being thankful and asking for direction for my day. I'm sure those folks that you lift up feel a little peace come their way!

  3. I love what you do and wish I would do it much more myself. I will take this as my inspiration - it is so kind and loving.

  4. I picked up a feather from a Northern Flicker on Vancouver Island and was told by a young First Nations couple that it signified "Blessings on my journey" which seemed to me to be a delightful sentiment.

    1. What a wonderful thing, to be offered that feather and a talk with that friendly couple! Thanks for coming by and sharing.

  5. Yes. Yes. All the yeses.
    Thanks for sharing those words - they give hope and warm peace
    to my heart:)
    I love you and your way:)


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