
Thanks to my sweet friend, my anam cara Robin, we are taking an eco dying class together online ... so much fun! The results are a mystery every time and depends on so many factors, what fabric you use, what you put in the pot, how long you leave it in there or if you put things out to bake in the sun, and then there's the rust! That's a whole other level of outcomes.

A big surprise for me is how much I'm taking to paper, water color paper for now 
but I'm sure there will be different ones to try.

And, boy! this really changes how you go on your walks, looking at so many things that could work ... oh, look! what a pretty dead leaf, oh, there's another! and something purple, oh! a sunflower!

And then there's your kitchen where you'll find purple cabbage, red and yellow onions,  turmeric, paprika, tea and coffee, blueberries and on and on and on.
Just today I was getting ready to roast some tomatillas and right there were these perfect, little green husks, waiting to be played with.

One thing that helps me with projects is knowing what I want to use them for. Working with these almost square shapes came about because they would fit in the one big pot I had in one of the smallest kitchens on the planet. I've learned to not fight it, just work with what I have and I knew doing big amounts of fabric was not a reality but this I could do and then I could use them for hanging my pretty earrings on! I'll show you a few befores and afters ~

I really love those interesting shapes and colors so much more than the white.

Thank you, Deb, for sharing your fantastic desert knowledge and awesomely fun videos 
and beautiful grandbabies with us!


  1. Isn't it so much fun! I've got stuff in the pot as I type this and I'm thinking I'm going to leave them there until we return from a few days in Santa Fe and see what happens, ha! I totally agree with you...you start to look at things in such a different way. I find myself looking at all kinds of stuff on the ground for collage or flora for eco printing...it just never ends! It's really nice to be a little more consumed in art stuff than in family stuff...so I'm taking it while I have the time! I never know what's around the corner. Love you!

    1. Yes, you should really take this time to do some art! and you'll be in such a perfect place to get so much inspiration ... have a fantastic time!

  2. Oh...and what a difference the eco print makes for showcasing your earrings! Love, love, love!

  3. How fantastic! Lots of juice on this - love where your creativity is taking you. Beauty-full🍂

    1. Thanks for the visit and words only you could share.

  4. Well first of all .... I love your native earring designs - perfect color matchings! I have to say that last pair with the picaso blue is gorgeous! now for this new technique of eco dying ... I'm so intrigued and absolutely love the results! so natural in tone and so interesting in the patterns -I'm sure it would distract my walks to no end! Love the creativity here

  5. Thanks, friend ... and Robin is probably right in referring to the paper process as printing instead of dyeing, all very new to me but lots of fun!

  6. All Fantastic, i love them all.
    I like the whole "play" about eco dying.

  7. That's it exactly, all about play! So happy to see you.

  8. What a wonderful thing to try and then find out that you love it and can use it for your art. I love the projects you did and they look so good with your beautiful earrings. I'm not quite sure how the process works with the leaves etc., but the outcome sure is beautiful.

  9. We are going to be in for a treat when our gal Robin gets going! I've decided to stick with the small pieces, just no room to spread a lot out, but I bet she does some really cool things!
    Thanks for checking it out here.


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