earrings + eco prints


I'm still playing with both, this is what yellow and red onion skins do to watercolor paper after being wrapped tight and left to simmer for a couple of hours in a rich brew of stuff ... so very cool! and I love using these to hang the earrings from, all up for adoption along with many more.


  1. So cool!!! . . . and natural - so you <3

  2. Love it! Just started collecting onion skins so thanks for the inspiration!

    1. this week I'm giving avocado pits a try in the pot, they are so pretty when chopped into pieces!

  3. So lovely, both the earrings and the handmade paper. I love how you dye your paper, and it truly looks beautiful. Those feathers on the earrings are so delicate and I like how you connected them to the leather.

    1. thanks for liking it all, very fun but it did take some trying to get those beads, leather and feathers to work together!

  4. oh wow! you were meant to make leather earrings!!!!!!! these are fantastic, earthy, with that native flare. simply love them

    1. I appreciate your words so much, they really are fun to make!

  5. Love the dyed paper! The black and white feather earrings are my favorite! Looking at these is making my boho soul dance!

  6. Susan! Your earrings are amazing! Where can I find and purchase?
    I've been gone too long from this amazing blogging world - I'm loving what
    you've been putting your hands to create. Well done, you:)

    1. Why, thank you very much! I have all these leather and feather ones plus so many pretty beaded ones, just send a message on fb or an email.
      I am always thrilled to see you any place.


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