keeping up


We've had a string of beautiful, mild days and took advantage of all we could ... staying downstairs in the studio and working with clay, firing the kiln and trying new ideas. There were a few times the door could be left open, such a joy and surprise!

Today is much colder so we're upstairs, cooking soup. I took over the one spot of morning sun at the table, reminding myself how to bead, I found out pretty quick what happens if I don't continue to work on pieces.

Larry is writing his story for the newspaper, he's been doing mostly Manitou business stories each week but did finish a couple of sweet pieces in between many other projects.

That's a wrap for now, hope you're enjoying the day.


  1. Sounds wonderful and fabulous pieces!!

  2. how wonderful that you can sit and work side by side and enjoy your craft, the sun and each other. so lovely to see some of Larry's work, I do love his pieces. and it looks like you have a strong color mix for your bead pattern - can't wait to see what this becomes

    1. those beads will be just more earrings, I've learned to do a little bit every chance I have to keep from forgetting everything!
      thank you for loving the pieces Larry creates, they are so special.

  3. It is a good thing when you can be creative and really enjoying it. Larry's clay figures look lovely - I like both of them so very much. Do you display them in your home or does he actually sell them? I'm not quite sure what happens when you're not beading for a time - do you "loose" the pattern you were working on? That's what sometimes happens to me when I let a knitting project sit for a while and then try to pick it up again - always a true pain.

    1. I can forget what I'm doing with the beading while I'm doing it! I really have to pay attention all the time.
      We do have quite a few of Larry's people hanging around the house but are always hoping some will find new homes :)

  4. Love Larry's people! The colors are beautiful. Good luck with beading. All I can do is freeform! If I have to count I'm in trouble. Small patterns are okay but I gave up on bracelet and necklace beading. We've had an early winter here in Delaware. It's snowing right now! I love soup so that sounds great to me!

    1. Hi there, nice to see you! sorry to be late in saying that, I let too much time go by here sometimes ... thanks for the visit.

  5. Your lifestyle makes me feel so peaceful inside my skin - I love the way your days
    fit your life:) Cheers to your beading and photo-taking and cooking yummy things and noticing the deer and celebrating the sweet somethings that make life beautiful.
    You're a treasure:)
    - Jennifer

    1. Hey you! Thank you for the encouraging words, I try to keep coming here but then I forget and do other things :)


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