that lovin' feeling



 I was reminded just a little while ago that the most wonderful, life changing, heart opening thing that can ever happen to you is to be loved totally for exactly who you are and supported in decisions you make, right or wrong, even if that cost you a paycheck and to be told that your "little bit of a temper" and your strong, unwavering sense of who you are in the world are the first things that made him fall in love with you. To know that someone has your back and will do any and every thing to be on your side forever is a tremendous, kind and loving feeling. 

We are still struggling over here, still feeling in shock, still being overcome with sadness, memories and emotions every day. So having to deal with petty, mean behavior is even more difficult and unwelcome but it has made us draw even closer together and I didn't think that was possible.

So if you have or know of this kind of love I hope you cherish it, if you haven't found it yet I pray you do and if you haven't kissed and hugged your loved ones today I want you to do it now and as many times as you can.


  1. Oh Susan. Holding you close to heart, friend. So very close and tender. Comfort and peace - May they find and strengthen you.
    Loving and lifting you,

  2. This is so and Larry are always in my thoughts. Love, Robin (I've decided to by Anonymous and see if my comments will post!)


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