One. Happy. Girl.



This is me a few years ago but I wanted to add it right here because it has been that many years since I've been able to post on my blog! And suddenly it's back and I am over the moon about it! 

I have no idea why it was gone and absolutely no clue why it appeared as if nothing had happened but I'm unexplainably grateful to have it again. I started it in 2010 while we were living in El Paso and learning all the new computer things. I love learning new stuff, figuring out how to add photos and how to manage comments and finding all the others who were doing the same things back then ... just going to keep my fingers crossed that Windrock Studio is back in business.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan, it's so good to see you here again. Strange that your blog was gone - it still appeared on my sidebar all the time. I haven't lost my love for blogging, and like you I started blogging in 2010. It would be lovely to see you here again.


If you have taken the time to come to windrockstudio and read a post and left a comment please know how very much we appreciate it ... thank you! and please know that I am working on the problem of not being able to respond to each one but haven't solved it yet.