
That's how we are trying and hoping to handle this aging thing because, seriously, there is no way to ignore it. We don't dwell on it or worry about it too much, mostly we are pretty astonished by it, being from a huge group of young people who were dealing with the Vietnam War, the sexual revolution and drugs, many of us never thought we'd make it out of our 30's 
and the wildness with which we lived really showed that.

Needless to say how grateful we are, while so many didn't get the chance to worry about getting older, here we are. So, at this stage of the game you do all that you can ... take your daily walks, eat good food, keep up with your dental and vision appointments. That last one caught me by surprise this week when I went for a usual eye exam, thinking it would be about the same ...
a new prescription, new glasses.
Instead, I was told that I have a cataract ... bummer. 
I know the drill since Larry has had both eyes done already, he also had me to put all the drops in.
My first appointment is Thursday morning, should be interesting and just one more new thing.


  1. Ain't that the truth! There are surprises around every corner and all we can do is try to postpone the inevitable as long as possible. I too try to accept with grace and appreciate the gift of life that we still have. As a long time near sighted person I'm kinda looking forward to the cataracts since my eyes are too dry to wear contacts anymore. :-)

    1. yep, many surprises! I'll let you know how this eye thing goes :)

  2. You are one of the most graceful souls there be��. Big joy soften this journey into the unknown of these brave years. May it be a beautiful ride. -jennifer

    1. having you along for the ride helps everything, I cherish you deeply.

  3. this is the best way to live.. who knows what each new day will bring, but glad to wake up to the warmth of the sun on your face, step out into the fresh air and cuddle up to the one you love. it is a nice way to journey through life. wonderful to hear from you here

  4. I hear ya. The first thing I do when I get out of bed is to open up the blinds and give thanks for being as healthy as I've been for all these years. We never know what tomorrow will bring. Good luck on the cataract deal and keep us posted! xo

    1. Thank you! and I will! I'm glad we're all still kicking!

  5. Getting old is a privilege. I'm thankful that I've made it so far and hope to make it a lot further, preferably in good health. I remember that almost 30 years ago a friend of mine was complaining that now that she's passed her 30th birthday there really is not much to celebrate anymore on her birthdays. Wow - I thought it was just the other way round! The more candles on your cake, the more reason to celebrate.
    To good health and graceful aging.

    1. I love it, too, celebrating each day and always marvel at this process!


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