calm after the frenzy


 Maybe it's this time of year, right after the holidays, or being on this side of winter or maybe because of it being my birthday month ( again, yay! ) or it could be so many articles I've been reading, urging you to get rid of all the clutter, to pack it up, clear it out and not leave it all for others to have to deal with ... they all have their own stuff to figure out, they don't need yours, too, and I really believe that. 

And then there are so many who really need some stuff, the churches and shelters know exactly 
what to do with your extra coats and blankets.

That's where my mind and energy have been, organizing and making room. All the little things taking up space, seems like when the time is right it all becomes so much easier. Last month I wasn't even thinking about wrapping up all the pretty dishes, the tiny cups and bowls that come home with me from the church ladies thrift shop but these past couple of weeks there was just no hesitation.

The big obstacle I come up against is knowing when to stop because there are so many of these small objects that remain too important, too special, at least to me. Probably no one else could make any sense of the things I choose to keep but I can already see them being a star or supporting member in so many art pieces.

This clearing is certainly not for everyone but when you live tiny it is a form of survival, for yourself and your partner ... who, by the way, is terrible at doing it! But after so many years of him seeing that this is my way of coping when spaces get too tight and me learning to slowly and gently walk him through it, well, at the end we are both much happier and breathe easier with the feeling of
 lightness that we accomplish.


  1. We are also at this point in life, but we have so much to clean out! It will take time, but I have started, and will continue. And it does feel good to give to others. A very timely post and has me thinking.

    1. it's certainly not something that should be rushed but for us it might have to be done in a hurry so at least having a start is good :)

  2. I soooooo feel you on this! I share your double-new beginnings January feels and also have that small space to keep clear-ish so that my thoughts don't get tangled in the fray. I want to simplify, simplify, simplify but also cherish certain things (especially vases and bottles and bits of art...and oh gosh plants) that don't seem worthy to take up the limited space to most folks. But they're more life-giving to me than many more "practical" thanks may be. It's a conundrum, for sure, when you live with a guy who isn't like that at all:)

    I celebrate you, your process, your space, your life, your birthday, and all of your bright beginnings. I'm so very, very glad that there's a you!
    - Jennifer

  3. it does involve making decisions about the special things and they should always remain, you'll find room for what you love.

    all those sweet words right back to you, dear girl.

  4. I love this and I can soooooo relate! I go through periods and OUT IT GOES! Then I go through periods and there's no way I can part with XYZ. It's hard. Having to clean out the family home on the farm took severals years. I'd work on it at various trips and then I'd come home and throw shit away like crazy. At one point after I retired I worked for this guy as his personal assistant. He was so disorganized...and kept everything. I would come home like a mad woman and toss stuff! So I guess what I'm saying is mine comes in spurts, ha ha! It's VERY hard for me to toss family items, but I know one day I'll have to with no children and no one in my family who would care about the items. And btw...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!❤️

  5. Yes yes yes!!! I actually love to get through my "stuff" and clear some out. It's so liberating. I do it with my clothes on a regular basis when the seasonal used clothes collection comes through, with the result that by now I only have favorite clothes in my closet (and not much to clear out anymore). The "stuff" is often easier and more difficult at the same time, because some things have a highly sentimental value for me - the little buddha my daughter made in 5th or 6th grade, my old teddybaer, my daughter's first pair of shoes. BUT I'm clearing out my studio regularly, and it still is a mess! Too much clutter makes me restless, but unfortunately I'm married to a packrat and that sometimes is VERY difficult.


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